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Corporate INVOVLEment


Puppy Raising

Of all the gifts you could give to help veterans--this is an enormous gift.  If you have ever seen a service dog working in public and wondered, “How do they get the dog that well trained?  I wish my dog was that well behaved!”  The foundation to a service dog becoming  well trained begins with someone like you.  It starts when a dog is placed with a puppy raiser for 6 to 8 months, learning basic obedience and other skills. 

Raising an All American Assistance Dogs puppy is truly a labor of love and involves a tremendous commitment — of time, labor and your heart. This offering to one of our nation’s Veterans would be priceless. It is difficult to express what a service dog means to his/her partner, and what your contribution to that person’s life would be.  If you have ever had a dog of your own, you know the special bond you achieve with a beloved pet.  Imagine if that dog was your lifeline as well as your companion!  Your gift of puppy-raising could make that happen for one of our heroes. Will you open your home and your heart to an All American Assistance Dogs puppy?

In order for All American Assistance Dogs to provide service dogs to veterans with PTSD or traumatic brain injuries, we need someone like you with the dedication and love to raise the puppy and train it in the basics.

If you think you might be interested and live in the Seattle metro area (preferably south King or Pierce County) please read the rest of the information below and then click on the link to sign up to volunteer.

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